PG Kebon Agung , Pabrik Gula Kebon Agung
Pabrik Gula (PG) Kebon Agung or Kebon Agung sugar cane factory founded by Tan Tjwan Bie in 1905, located in Kebon Agung village, Pakisaji district, Malang regency, about 5 km south of Malang. At the time, its has 1.500 tth milling capacity.
Arround 1917 management of Kebon Agungsugar cane factory submitted to NV. Handel & Landbouws Maatschapij Tideman van Kerchem as directors, then the Company formed under the name NV. Kebon Agoeng Fabriek Suiker called PT PG Kebon Agung and ratified by Notary deed Hendrik Willem Hazenberg on March 20, 1918 with No. 155, and a decree passed by the Dutch East Indies Governor Secretary dated May 30, 1918 No. 42, listed in the register office Court, Surabaya with No. 143.
In 1932 all shares of PT Kebon Agung sugar cane factory pawned to de Javasche Bank of Malang and in 1936 PT Kebon Agung sugar cane factory owned by de Javasche Bank. At this time capacity milling reach to 1.800 tth. In 1954 the AGM of the Company determined that the Shareholders of PT Kebon Agung sugar cane factory is Spaarfonds voer van de Beamten Bank Indonesia (later named the Foundation Employee Savings Fund Bank Indonesia) and Bank Indonesia (on behalf of the Foundation Fund Benefit Pension and Parents Day Bank Indonesia).
Today Kebon Agung sugar cane factory, today along with Trangkil sugar cane factory in Trangkil village, Pati regency, Central Java province are bussiness units of PT Kebon Agung. Today Kebon Agung sugar cane factory milling capacity reach to 5.750 tth due to a series development program conducted since 2005. There are 21 unit Koperasi Uni Desa (KUD) in PG Kebon Agung's working area in Malang regency.
Peta & Citra Satelit
PT Kebon Agung
Jalan Pakisaji
Malang 651052
Tel: 0341 – 801064, 801371
Fax: 0341 – 801143
Places Terdekat | Km |
Kantor Bupati Malang | 5,338 |
Gereja GPIB Immanuel - Malang | 5,375 |
Ramayana - Malang | 5,387 |
JualKorek.Com - Malang | 5,398 |
Mal Alun-Alun - Malang | 5,423 |
Sarinah Malang | 5,428 |
Ijen Nirwana Residence | 5,430 |
Bank Indonesia - Malang | 5,445 |
Gramedia - Malang | 5,455 |
McDonald's - Sarinah Malang | 5,482 |
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